Tuesday, March 17, 2009



'SUBSCRIPTION MEMBER': Their only Club activity is reading BIRD NEWS. How many times have members read the CTCC Membership Roster and wondered, with all these members, why are only one-third ever seen?

Currently we have 111 members; yet the largest turn out for a recent event was the 2008 Christmas Party, which 62 persons attended. Even the free pizza party and summer picnic do not bring out more than one third of the membership. The active Club members would enjoy meeting the other two-thirds of the Club membership. If part of the reason you haven't attended any Club meeting or outing is due to not having an operable T-Bird, don't worry. In fact, you dont even need to own a T-Bird, just be an avid enthusiast!

Your Club has arranged a variety of activities for this year. Look thru the Calendar of Events in BIRD NEWS and try to attend whenever possible. In the coming months, there will be a Tech-Session and a Spring Tour; read BIRD NEWS for all the necessary information. If you would like to suggest some other event, contact any Board Member with your idea. Better still, attend one of the general Club meetings and present your idea.

Certainly, we realize that all members can't attend all events, due to circumstances or choice, but we would like to put a face with your name.

Give your Club a try; you will be pleasantly surprised. CTCC is comprised of a great group of T-Bird enthusiasts.

- Len Keil

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