Friday, March 20, 2009

CTCI Annual Meeting Report- 2009


As being CTCI Region 2 Director had never been on my radar until last summer when I was asked to accept the position, I had no idea what to expect when Bill and I journeyed to Long Beach, CA for the Annual CTCI Board of Directors 2-day meeting beginning on February 6. What I experienced was a well-run meeting during which I learned an enormous amount of information about the inner workings of our International Club. The eleven Board members around the table and the committee members and others sitting around the room engaged in well thought out discussions throughout the two days. We learned about the two 2009 Regional Conventions (Tulsa - July 2-5 and Vancouver - Aug. 18-20) and the International Convention to be held in Dayton, Ohio (June 15-20, 2010). We approved the 2009 CTCI budget and heard from various appointed Chairpersons. I urge you to read about the meeting in an upcoming issue of the Early Bird. If you have any questions about CTCI or wish the CTCI Board to address an issue, please feel free to contact me. I will do my utmost to represent the 18 clubs in Region 2 to the best of my ability.

- LizWerth

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