Monday, March 2, 2009


the editor's NOTEbook

AS MOST OF YOU ALREADY KNOW, T-BIRD HISTORY WAS MADE IN Scottsdale, Arizona when the Barrett-Jackson Auction gavel fell at $600,000 for the First Production 1955 Ford Thunderbird! See page 9 for the story on this historic landmark for the S/N 100005 T-Bird.

The CTCC event for February - the Annual Pizza Party and Meeting -is one of the best-attended outings, year after year! Could it be that the FREE Pizza motivates us to brave the bone-chilling WlNTER COLD? In any case, mark your calendar for Thursday, Feb. 12th and plan to join us! See page 10 for Directions; Bob Hoge will present the 2009 Budget.

The Cover Photo this month features the storied BATTLEBIRD, #98 being one of two all-out race-cars commissioned by the Ford Motor Company. The photo is from one of the many featured in The ThunderbIrd Anthology CD. CTCI member, Gil Baumgartner, was instrumental in providing the meticulous attention to detail in the restoration of this particular 'Bird. Gil is the Authenticity Co-Chairman for CTCI, a position that eminently qualified him for this unique restoration task.

We suspect that Liz Werth, our Region 2 Director, is by now packing for the trip to California to attend the CTCI Annual Board-of-Director's Meeting! Of course. Bill will also be flying west, in anticipation of finding some sunny - and warm - days to break our Midwest cold spell!

Thanks to member, Perry Anthony, for his B-J telephone call - and pics! (See Back Cover.)

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