Fall Tour - Mighty Mississippi Adventure
C.T.C.C. is dedicated to the preservation of the 1955, 1956, and 1957 Ford Thunderbird.
Fall Tour - Mighty Mississippi Adventure
Annual Johnsburg Parade
Light rain on Sunday morning, September 8, did not deter any of the 17 members who had signed up to drive their cars in the annual Saufen und Spiel Parade in Johnsburg. We met for coffee and baked goods at the home of Len and Mary Keil. The cars were lined up and we had a police escort to the parade staging area. The rain stopped before the parade began and the route was lined with lots of onlookers. The drivers and their Johnsburg Village officials tossed candy to eager kids of all ages. Following the parade, the drivers were given tickets for "adult beverages". A minor mishap involving a tractor and its flatbed added some drama to the afternoon. Back at the Keils' we enjoyed sloppy Joes, hot dogs, salads and other delicious foods prepared by Mary.
The drivers, and their spouses who viewed the parade from the sidelines, were Dan Anderson, Tom Bruin and Judy, Ron Caminiti, Art Hahl, Bob Hoge and Helen, Len Keil and Mary, Larry Kelly and Karen, Pete Kramer and MaryLu, Beth Molberg and Dean, Dan Mrozek, Jerry Peterson, Dan Pritchett and Melinda, Lloyd Schellin and Joan, Ken Smizinski and Kathy, Len Vinyard and Irene, Liz Werth, and Jim Wilson. We thank Mary and Len for all of the hard work they put in to making it a very enjoyable day. By Liz Werth
Annual Picnic 2019
Mount Prospect Cruise Night 2019
Porep Collection / Hayride / Bonfire
A group of us drove up to Roger Porep’s Car Collection & Memorabilia while some of the ladies stayed back on the farm to converse. The collection was made up of many cars, trucks, tractors and motorcycles of various years. Some being restored and others waiting for the chance to come back to life. The car collection was nestled in the former Porep Dairy Farm and were stored in 4 large buildings with another building being built. The main dairy barn’s upper level was transformed into a memorabilia museum of old-time signs, clocks, cars, juke boxes, bars, ice cream station, and much more. It was truly amazing.