Sunday, July 1, 2012

Johnsburg "Suafen ein Spiel" Parade and Festival

Attention club members.  The Village of Johnsburg is hosting their annual  "Suafen ein Spiel" Parade, Sunday Sept. 9. 2012.  We have been invited to be the “official” parade cars at this event.  We need 12 cars, tops off, to transport village officials in the parade. 

Johnsburg may be  a small village, but this event and the parade is BIGGGGGGGG. You will be amazed  at the people attending. This would be a fun  day-trip/outing for interested club members.  Following the parade we will enjoy their festival including music, beer, food and camaraderie. 

The parade details are as follows:
  • Parade will start at 12:30.
  • Parade is approximately one mile.
  • There will be the ever present fire trucks, horses, farm vehicles, etc.

As an added "bonus" the parade organizers are planning to feature our cars in a mini car show, T-Birds only, after the parade.  This is a great opportunity to come out in force and show off our cars, so please plan on attending this event.

More complete details will be in the August Bird News.

Please RSVP to  Len Keil  at  815-759-8763

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