Monday, February 9, 2009

CTCC Library Now Available

Classic Thunderbird Club of Chicagoland
The Club library program is for the benefit of the membership. It is accessible to any CTCC member as a resource of reference material. A list of the library inventory is available on the CTCC website, at all club meetings or upon request from the club librarian. Material withdrawn from the library will be for a period of one month or longer upon request. A nominal cash deposit may be required for withdrawal of certain irreplaceable items.

Due to the generosity of present and former members, extra inventory of CTCI Early Bird and Roster issues are "for sale." Whether a new or old member, now is the time to begin your collection, or find that missing issue. Cost: $2.50 per issue, or $2.00 for (5) or more plus postage. All funds derived from the sale of extra inventory are for the support of CTCC.

The club is always appealing to the membership for Thunderbird donations of literature, photos, videos, CDs, etc. If any of this type of material is sitting around gathering dust in your basement or garage, now is the time to donate it. The club would greatly appreciate the gesture.

Questions, withdrawals, or donations regarding the library, should be directed to our club librarian. Contact: Bob Wenderski, Tel: 847-234-2394, Email:

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