Sunday, February 15, 2009

C.T.C.C. Holiday Party- 2008

C.T.C.C. Holiday Party - Jane

The evening of December 6th at Chandler's in Schaumburg proved once again that 'Birds of a Feather Flock Together! Interestingly, the Chicagoland Thunderbird Club had booked a room for their party on the same night as ours - and their group was assigned a hall directly across from our spacious C.T.C.C. room!

Our evening started with excellent accordion music provided by Elmer Lange and sponsored by Valley Community Bank. Each member received a Fuel Filter and an Oil Filter, a DVD (Fabulous Fords of the 50's), and a Ford Classics 2009 Calendar.

The table centerpieces were attractively created by Liz Werth and included a small notepad for each person. Additionally, Bob Hoge placed a squeeze flashlight at each place setting.

Following a delicious dinner, several presentations were made. CTCC gave outgoing President, Ken Smizinski, a gift certificate for his numerous efforts on behalf of our Club. Art and Gail Hascek received a 20 x 30" color poster of themselves with their 1st Place Trophy awarded for their '57 T-Bird at the Lombard Show.

Finally, it was time for the presentation of the BERT EISENHOUR AWARD to the "Thunderbirder of the Year." By unanimous approval, this year's recipient was Liz Werth, who has devoted countless hours to CTCC as Club Secretary and as a frequent contributor to Bird News. Liz also received a small (permanent) plaque to keep after the traveling plaque goes to next year's winner.

Names were drawn for the many Door Prizes generously donated by vendors and CTCC members. Each person received at least two gifts!

The "Long Distance Award" should go to Dave and Mary Jane Osborne, who drove here from Oregon, Wisconsin!

We missed Otto and Judy Bruggenthies who had to cancel because Otto had hurt himself in a fall; we all signed a card for him, along with a get-well message.

In all, it was a delightful evening! We departed feeling the glow of the Holidays. We thank Ken and Kathy for organizing such an enjoyable celebration.

Those revelers in attendance were: Bill and Elaine Axelson, Bill and Jane Balogh, Bob and Marcy Burhop, Bert and Jane Eisenhour, Pete and Lisa Ekstrom, Gordon Gluff and Mary, Maryann Graziano and Paul Ureche, Joel Greenberg and Annie Luginbill, Art and Gail Hascek, Laura Hascek and Mike Cielenski, Bob and Helen Hoge, Larry Johnson, Len and Mary Keil, Larry and Karen Kelly, Joe and Sandy Kraatz, Pete and Marylu Kramer, Ed Levin and Rose Kovelenko, Paul and Urszula Mounts, Dan Mrozek, Perry and Cynthia O'Kano, Dave and Mary Jane Osbome, Jerry and Pat Peterson, Dave and Marian Pogorski, Doug and Soon Hee Rogers, Lloyd and Joan Schellin, Gary and Debbie Smithe, Ken and Kathy Smizinski, Bill and Bonnie Thelen, Len and Irene Vinyard, Bob and Sue Wenderski, Bill and Liz Werth and Tom and Alice Wolfe.

As always, generous contributions by our members, vendors and friends, helped make the event a huge success. This year, member. Bob Hoge, President of the Valley Community Bank in St. Charles, underwrote the cost of our talented accordion player. CTCC subsidized a portion of the meal cost and supplied the fuel-filters for our T-Birds. Each member received the Fabulous Fords DVD, courtesy CTCC. A special thanks to Dan Mrozek, who obtained 40-Motorcraft oil filters from ROTO Lincoln Mercury in Arlington Heights. Our sincere appreciation to John D'Agostino, Parts Mgr.
Roto Lincoln Mercury, Subaru, Mazda, Inc.
1555 E. Rand Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
Phone: 847/255-5700
Fax: 847/577-9729

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