Monday, July 28, 2014

White Fence Farm

White Fence Farm

It was a warm and bright sunny Sunday  June.  We all congregated in the parking lot of White Fence Farm  and then proceeded in to enjoy lunch.  As we ordered drinks and waited for our lunch to be served, Ken held a brief meeting. Ken went over the upcoming calendar of events for the club. Pete Kramer spoke about the upcoming cruise night in downtown Westmont on July 24th. While  Joel Greenberg and Annie gave an update on Bristol in July.  Annie also handed out items for the ladies in the club who were going to be attending the Faire. Pete Eckstrom spoke about the upcoming fall tour to East Troy and said he and Lisa were going back up in July to plan the details. Ken ended the meeting with a drawing for a $50 gift certificate for NPD.  The winner of the drawing was Laura Cielenski.

Lunch was served and all enjoyed either chicken, shrimp, steak and much more.  Of course there always is excitement for the club and sometimes things don't run as smoothly as you would like especially when it came to the separate checks. Sorry to all those who attended for the mishap. But I think everyone still enjoyed the afternoon.  Some club members stayed on to view the antiques and classic cars in the restaurant museum area , as others either visited the petting zoo or talked around their cars and then went home.

We had 34 in attendance and we Thank all those who came.  Ken & Kathy Smizinski, Len & Mary Keil, Len & Irene Vinyard, Doug & Soon Hee Rogers, Pete & Marilou Kramer, Joe & Sandy Kraatz, Kami Woody, Pete & Lisa Eckstrom, Joel Greenberg & Annie Luginbill, Larry & Karen Kelly, Dan Mrozek & Arlene Figlia, Bob & Barbara Sroka, Jim & Jane Wilson, Bud & Cindy Kryszak , Haig Garabedian, Ron Pavlak, Gordon Gluff & Mary Ziemba, Gail Hascek and Mike & Laura Cielenski.

By Laura Cielenski

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