Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Editors Notebook

tuned since the publication of the February issue of B-N. The HOT DOG & BRATS GALA event date has been changed to July 17th. The revised dates for the Fall Tour: September 17-20.

This issue marks the first in the 49th year of publication for BIRD-NEWS. So, Happy Birthday to B-N as we head for 50!

See page 5 for updated info on the SPECIAL Breakfast meeting: Are You Convention Bound? This is a MUST for your Concours entry.

The featured item for this month is the March 1954 Chrysler Report on the design parameters and specifications for the 1955 T-Bird. The material, reduced from 10-pages (8 1/2x 11"), is on pages 8-10.

See page 4 for PREVIEW information on the CTCC Tech Session.

CTCC has donated $500 to the Dayton Convention. In addition, a member has anonymously donated $250, making the total $750!

Our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Karen Kelly who is now at home, following her recent surgery.

Bert Eisenhour

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