Sunday, February 7, 2010

January Outing



Photo- cover page of February issue of BirdNews. Click on photo to enlarge it to read captions on picture.

The 2OIO CTCC January outing saw the club doing what it does best-EATING! Bob Hoge arranged a private brunch at the Onesti Restaurant in St. Charles. Club members enjoyed a variety of delicious brunch items including, salmon, chicken, bite size beef and cheese sandwiches, salad, eggs, bacon and sausage, and Len and Ken's favorite — Broccoli, along with orange juice, coffee and tea. We were joined by the cast and crew of the Terry Evanswood Magic Show. CTCC members enjoyed meeting the people who would later entertain them.

Speaking of entertainment, during the brunch we heard faint sounds coming from the far end of the room. Suddenly, who should appear but-8 tiny reindeer-oops wrong story-it was Bob Hoge on accordion and Kelsey Craggett on violin. It seems Bob secretly searched for a violinist to accompany him during the brunch. With the shortest practice time in history, they managed to sound like a long-standing duo, playing a wonderful selection of Italian and other favorites.

Following the brunch, we were off to the Arcada Theater for an afternoon of MAGIC. The Art Deco Theater, built in 1926, had many vaudvillian performers in its day. At 2:15 p.m., The Geneva Pipe Organ rose from the orchestra pit & Debbie entertained us with great flair, for 45 minutes. The organ has 3 manuals, (keyboard) multiple tabs, and 1,000 pipes. The organ was manufactured in Geneva Illinois. The console is of Art Deco design, and fits well into the 1926 Theater. At 3 p.m. the Organ disappeared (not by magic but by hydraulics) and the Magic began. We were amazed at the illusions performed by Terry and crew. Terry's show included slight-of-hand, disappearing and reappearing assistants, and sword piercing through a box containing Terry!!

Terry showed us how to escape from a straight jacket (a Houdini specialty) and he did it in full view of the audience-amazing!! In the finale, Terry was magically transported from the stage to the rear of the theater faster than Captain Kirk could beam up Scotty. At one point in the show Terry introduced - from the audience - Marshall Brodien, better known as WHIZZO of BOZO CIRCUS fame. An interesting fact: It was the Marshall Brodien Magic Box that 9-year old Terry received as a gift, that started him on the road to being a magician. Although Terry's magic IS beyond belief, it is his stage presence and personality that are his greatest assets. At the end of the show, Terry signed autographs on (his own version) Magic Boxes. Just ask Len Keil to show you his--he is still practicing the rabbit-out-of-the-hat trick, but our cat, Jenny, is not very cooperative.

A special thanks goes out to Bob for organizing this great event. Can't wait to see Terry's show in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Oh, and did Len Vinyard find his family that he lost at the theater???
- Mary Keil

Members and guests on-the-scene on a cold winter day: Bob and Marcy BURHOP, Bert and Jane EISENHOUR, Gordon GLUFF and Mary Ziemba, Maryann GRAZIANO and Paul URECHE, Joel GREENBERG and Annie LUGINBILL, Gail HASCEK, Laura HASCEK and Mike CIELINSKI, Bob and Helen HOGE, Len and Mary KEIL, Pete and Marylu KRAMER, Ed LEVIN, Lloyd and Joan SCHELLIN, Ken and Kathy SMIZINSKI, Len and Irene VINYARD and family, Bill and Liz WERTH, Joe and Madeline ZAMBON.

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