Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Smoky Mountain T-Bird Club

Subject: T-Bird SmokeyNewsletter Dec 2007.pdf

Date: Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:12:17 -0500
From: pa310@charter.net
To: BEBluebird@aol.com
CC: swiftlychs@aol.com

Hi Bert,

I thought you would enjoy the first edition of our T-B Newsletter here in the Knoxville area as published by Charlie Nelson [email above].

We are an "all electronic" newsletter club and our first edition went quite smoothly. I am sure, as editor of "Bird News" with the Classic Thunderbird Club of Chicagoland you can appreciate the tremendous effort needed to get us started.

We hope to officially name our CTCI "in waiting" chapter in early January but like the Smoky Mountain Classic Thinderbord Club as it is descriptive to the cars, the area, and short enough to catch on over time.

Merry Christmas to you and Jane. Say "HI" to everyone in CTCC.


Editor's Note: Perry Anthony may have been thinking of food (a Smorgasbord?) when he mis-typed Thunderbird as Thinderbord in the above? The publication is very well done!

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