Sunday, April 3, 2011



Please bring a dish!
Sunday -June 12th at 11:30AM
At the home of: Pete and Marylu Kramer, 560 W. 58th Street - Hinsdale

Please join us for Bloody Marys (Wisconsin style) , Food-A-Plenty, car talk, a short meeting - and boat rides!

From the north: 294 south to Ogden west exit -Ogden Avenue west to Route 83 South - 83 South to 55th Street east exit and east on 55th to Madison (Hinsdale Central High School on the east corner) south on Madison to 58th Street and west on 58th Street three blocks to house on left corner which will have Tbirds galore on the driveway!

RSVP - Call/Contact us for dish co-ordination!

Phone- 630 986-1277

Editor's Notebook- 4-2011

Bert Eisenhour

WITH THE SIGHTING OF THE FIRST ROBIN BEHlND US, we consider this to be a most reliable harbinger of Spring!

The first driving event of the year is the Tech-Session on April 30th. See page 10 for the details, and RSVP before the deadline April 25": Registration is limited so contact Bob Wenderski ASAP

The CTCC Calendar is updated to show two new events: Joel and Annie have arraigned for a change-of-pace outing for July. While the date hasn't been firmed up, it will probably be the 23rd or 30th. Tour details are presented on page 3. Having attended the 'show' some years ago, I can attest to its being a most interesting and exciting adventure! Joel plans to have the date secured in time to publish in the May issue.

• The Volo Shelby Ford Show is set for August 7th. This annual event showcases Ford vehicles (including Shelby replicas), so the opportunity to see so many cars on display makes it well worth the price of admission.

The risque(?) Pin-Up photo (page 7), was submitted by my #1 son, his ever-watchful eye spotting things related to the classic Thunderbirds! Strangely enough, my son saw an ad for a '57 T-Bird in a 1970 issue of Hot-Rod, resulting in a trip to California to purchase the T-Bird! The cost of the airline ticket (Standby) was something on the order of $65.00!

The Cover Photo is one of several submitted to CTCC by Mitch Frumkin in 2005.



Pizza was served at 7:30 and the meeting started at 8:22
Len Keil welcomed the 39 members in attendance. He thanked Bob and Marcy Burhop for coordinating the event.

Minutes of the November 11, 2010 General Meeting were approved as written and copies of those minutes were made available to anyone who wanted to read them.

Doug Rogers gave the Treasurer's Report. the club has 98 members as of 2/10/2011

Doug Rogers presented the 2011 proposed Budget. He explained each line item and opened the floor for questions. The membership will vote on the budget at the March 10, 2011 membership meeting and election of directors at Russell's Bar-B-Q

Len Keil talked about the Club's websile and reminded members that it contains lots of Tech Tips as welll as pictures of past tours and events.

Len discussed the various activities planned for the year including:
April 30- Tech session at Bob & Sue Wenderski's home. Ken Smizinski asked for suggestions for topics to he covered at the meeting
May 20-22 - Spring Tour to Bloomington led by Tom & Judy Bruin
June 12 - Brunch & brief Membership Mtg. at the home of Pete and Marylu Kramer Aug 7 - Volo Car show
Aug. 13- Annual Picnic at Pratt's Wayne Woods
Aug. 21- "Day at the Hangar" hosted by Ken Kresmery
Sept. 8- Annual Meeting and election of officers Russell's BBQ
Sept. 23-25 - Fall Tour to Auburn, Indiana led by Larry & Karen Kelly
Oct. 16- One Day Outing to Cedarburg WI led by Len & Mary Keil
Nov. 10 - Regular meeting and "Year in Review" - Russell's BBQ
Dec. 3 - All-Member Christmas Party - Chandler's Chop House.

There was discussion about attending the Omaha Regional CTC! event

It was suggested that the three cars on the Bird-News front page be changed to cars owned by CTCC members.

Birthday wishes were sung to those present who hav birthdays during the month

The meeting officially adjourned at 8:45
Respectfully submitted,
Liz Werth, Secretary.