$44,000, 46,200, 77,000, 36,300, 48,400, 73,700, 44,000, 42,900, 49,500
$61,600, 126,500, 65,000, 46,200, 80.300
$39,600, 77,000, 132,000, 88,000 (E), 71,500, 57,200, 41,800
• "E" is Dual-Quad - 270 hp
Interestingly, there were 9 - '55s versus only 5 - '56s and 7 - '57s at the Scottsdale, AZ extravaganza. While prices include the Buyers Premium, the figures are reassuring, in light of the economy,
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Labels: Special Event
Air Conditioning for your T-Bird
THUNDERBIRD AIR ~ {From the January, 2010 issue of Trail Bird News.)
Air Conditioning is an accessory that was never originally factory installed in the early Thunderbirds. "Factory air" made its initial appearance in the Thunderbird in 1958, although it had been offered in the passenger cars previously. Most installations in the '55-'57 Thunderbirds utilizes the space above the generator for the compressor. An installation such as this, tastefully done, while not "correct" for the year, does add to the passenger's comfort. Most units used on the early Thunderbirds have the under-dash mounted evaporator. Some of the newest Vintage Air units have a hidden evaporator with air ducts mounted tastefully in various locations.
One item that you should consider if having an air conditioning unit installed in
your Thunderbird is the installation of an electric fan. This is a must to keep the unit
functioning at its maximum output. While sitting at a stoplight, an electric fan will
push air through the radiator as if you were moving 30 mph.
- Dave Tulowitzky
Editor's Note: While T-Bird owners living in the Midwest can survive the relatively few days of sweltering summer heat, owners such as Dave, living in Florida, face a much different situation. Arizona, New Mexico and California T-Birders also find welcome relief in the A/C equipped early 'Birds.
In 1972, I drove a friend's A/C equipped '57 from Palm Springs to Long Beach, CA. Having spent a number of indescribably hot days at the CTCI Convention, I became an instant believer! [The temperatures averaged about 112 degrees per day during the Convention!]
Labels: Special Item, Tech Tip
It was in the summer of 1995 when the Greater Illinois Region of the CCCA was invited to a private Fly-In, hosted by the late, Bill Rose, who was the owner of the Milrose Restaurant in South Barrington.
The late Ted Kosten, for many years the official head photographer at the EAA Oshkosh Air Shows, was hired by Mr. Rose to cover the event. Ted had invited me to drive my T-Bird onto the field in order to obtain photos with several of the mostly vintage aircraft.
Several years earlier, we had attended the outing at the Rose Estate near Barrington, where there was a 2,500-foot long (grass) runway - and a number of hangars. (Bill would typically field several planes at the Oshkosh Air Show every year.)
The 1995 photo, with my 'Bird parked in front of a Stearman, was taken at the Rose property near Marengo, where a 3.000-foot (grass) landing strip accommodated numerous (larger) aircraft.
The events, featuring mouth-watering food and beverages to the 1,000 guests, came to
an end following the death of an Ultralight pilot at the Marengo field. I will keep the
memories of those special times as another fun-filled T-Bird adventure!
- Editor
Labels: Special Item
Editing a monthly newsletter can sometimes be a time-consuming chore, but CTCC members have greatly relieved the burden by submitting articles, stories, photos and write-ups ot Club events. So, to each of you who have contributed to BIRD-NEWS in the past year, I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation.
Again, we are most grateful to Bob Hoge, who has again underwritten the cost of the paper and color printing of our newsletter. With only a couple of exceptions - when the VCB color-printing machine broke down - we have been able to enjoy color layouts and photos during 2010. Thanks to our man Tom, at the Valley Community Bank, the VCB half-page ads have revived many of the unforgettable Burma-Shave roadside signs that once clotted our roads and highways! (We are happy to report that Tom is in full recovery mode following a nasty spill on the ice some weeks ago. The toll for his trip to the mailbox was a broken leg - in three places!
In addition to providing the most generous contribution noted in the foregoing. Bob has also contracted accordionist, Elmer Lange, to provide musical entertainment at our recent Holiday/Christmas Parties.
- Editor
Labels: Special Item
President's Report
Happy New Year, fellow CTCC members!
I wish to extend my sympathy to Judy Bruggenthies on the death of Otto. He will be missed by all of us. I also wish to extend my congratulations to Joe and Sandra Kraatz who were presented with the Bert Eisenhour Award for 2010 at the CTCC Christmas Party.
Some of you were not expecting to receive this issue of Bird-News in your mailbox. Your Board is continuing to develop an electronic delivery system. Meanwhile, Valley Community Bank continues to print our wonderful Bird-News in full color. Several of you paid extra to receive a black and white copy along with or instead of the electronic version. The Board will address that subject in the coming months and I will keep you informed of developments.
By the time you read this, we will have started 2011 with an outing to Drury Lane Theater for brunch and Monty Python's "Spamatot". Thank you to Pete and Marylu Kramer for planning this fun activity to brighten up a freezing January weekend. Club members will enjoy the annual Pizza Party in February as we examine the 2011 Budget prepared by Doug Rogers.
Your Board is planning a full calendar of activities for the year. I hope each of you will participate in many of the events. The schedule begins on Page 2 of this issue of Bird-News. The driving season starts with the always-helpful April Tech Session that will be followed by the May Spring Tour to Bloomington led by Tom and Judy Bruin. Please plan to join us for brunch and a brief meeting on Sunday, June 12 at the lovely home of Pete and Marylu Kramer.
Please feel free to contact me or any other Board member with thoughts, ideas or concerns. I look forward to seeing you throughout the year.
Len Keil, President
Labels: President's Report
WITH WINTER HAVING CLEARLY MADE ITSELF KNOWN, we face the prospect of a long hibernation for the classic T-Birds. Meanwhile, we can look forward to the inviting schedule designed for our Spring Tour. The detailed plans are included in this issue - refer to pages 6 and 8 and save the dates. In the meanwhile, check out the activities for this month (Pizza Party), March (Meeting and Election of three Directors), and April (the Tech-Session.)
The Calendar contains two revised dates: The Tech-Session will be held on April, 30th and the Poplar Grove Hangar Event, hosted by member, Ken Kresmery, is set for Sunday, August.21st.
The CTCC Board is considering an invitation for CTCC to join a group, including the Shelby Club, that holds an event at the Volo Museum facility ever year. Look for more info next month.
Be sure to check out the Barrett-Jackson Auction T-Bird sales report on page 9.
It may seem a bit odd to read a dissertation about T-Bird Air-Conditioning in midwinter, however, the article on page 9 is a reminder that summer will arrive - in due time.
Next month, we will feature coverage of the CTCC Brunch and Play event that was held at Drury Lane Theatre on January 30th.
The December Treasurer's Report, which was inadvertently omitted in the January issue of BIRD-NEWS, is printed in this issue - see page 4.
Labels: Editor's Notebook