Friday, March 20, 2009

The Editor's Notebook- March 2009

the editor's NOTEbook

AS WINTER MAINTAINS ITS ICY AND SNOWY GRIP ON THE MIDWEST, we anxiously await the sign of the first returning Spring robin!

Meanwhile, we turn our attention to the CTCC Calendar [pg. 2] for the New Year. Please note an important change for the June Meeting: Thanks to the Kramers, our Meeting will be at their home in Hinsdale on Sunday. June 14th. Look for directions/info for the Brunch Meeting (which will start at 11:45 a.m.) in a future issue. Save the date.

Thanks to Ken and Polly Kresmery, CTCC members are once again invited to attend their Annual Day at the Hangar event! (For a PREVIEW of the many unique attractions available, refer to page 8 of the July, 2008 issue of Bird News.) Plan to be there!

As you will note from the cover, this marks the first issue in our 48th year of publication! The cover photo, from the Thunderbird Anthology CD, is quite obviously from the (early) Ford files. A close look at the top of the fenders reveals the beginnings of a Fairlane trim-stripe! The Ford ad that is featured on page 6 appeared in November, 1954 issue of HOLIDAY MAGAZINE. Bob Burgess, a member of TARTC, noted the following when the ad was reproduced in Little Bird Talk some time back: "... at least two ads were released showing the stainless steel stripe. A similar ad appeared in the Oct. 23-1954 issue of The Saturday Evening Post."

Inspired by a 2008 e-mail from Dave Zornig, the back-cover shows one of the Replica 'Birds.

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