Saturday, March 6, 2010

Editor's Notebook- Feb. 2010

THE Editor's NOTEbook

THE CTCC CALENDAR FOR 2010 HAS BEEN FINE-tuned since the publication of the January issue of B-N. The HANGAR event date (August 22), has been confirmed by our host, member, Ken Kresmery. The revised date for the ONE-DAY Spring Tour is June 27th since Bob Hoge has learned that the Park site is not open in May. A SPECIAL meeting has been set-up for those members who are planning to enter a 'Bird in the CTCI International Concours competition. Details are presented on page 5. Are You Convention Bound? (A good introduction to one of the main items to be discussed appears on page 18 of the Jan./Feb. issue of EARLY BIRD magazine.) Check it out.

Speaking of the Convention, your room reservations should be made as soon as possible! Some rooms are already sold-out.

The January B-N list of contributors to our Holiday Party gift list (page 7) omitted the following firm: SURF CITY GARAGE - 5872 Engineer Drive, Huntington Beach, CA. We appreciate their help.

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