Pizza party and election of Officers
The Annual Pizza Party/Election of Officers Meeting was held on March 14th at the Little Villa Restaurante & Pizzaria in DesPlaines.
Twenty-nine members came out to enjoy some great pizza and conversation. After everyone ate, Ken held a brief meeting to approve the 2019 Budget and to discuss the calendar of events for the year. Dan Pritchett spoke about the upcoming Spring Field Trip on April 6th and Ken spoke about the Tech Session on April 13th. He mentioned that all those who wanted to go to the tech session should call Bob Wenderski. Karen Kelly spoke about the upcoming Spring Tour in May to Cedar Rapids with more information to come. Lloyd Schellin spoke about the Hayride\Bonfire event to be held on June 22nd with some other activities to be thrown in. Larry Kelly talked about the 15th Annual Cars Time Forgot at Lake Lawn Lodge in July. Ken briefly talked about the Mt Prospect Car Show and Lloyd Schellin briefly spoke about the Picnic. Laura Cielenski gave a brief description of the Fall Tour to the Quad Cities the end of September. Len Keil said that the October event would most likely be back up to Cedarburg, WI. November brings the Turkey Dinner and Year in Review Meeting as December brings our Annual Holiday Party.
Before the meeting ended Ken said that there were 3 director positions available. He mentioned that Len Vinyard and Lloyd Schellin were willing to stay on in their positions. Ken opened the floor to any nominations. Len Vinyard nominated Mike Cielenski which was seconded by Karen Kelly. All were in approval for the two current directors to continue and for Mike Cielenski to become a director. After the vote, the meeting then adjourned.
Those in attendance were: Dan Anderson, Marci Burhop Mike & Laura Cielenski, Gordon Gluff, Art Hahl, Gail Hascek, Len & Mary Keil, Larry & Karen Kelly, Pete & Marylu Kramer, Dean & Beth Molburg, Dan Mrozek, Dan Pritchett, Bob & Barb Sroka, Lloyd & Joan Schellin, Ken & Kathy Smizinski, Len & Irene Vinyard, Liz Werth, Jim & Jane Wilson and Tom Wolfe. – Submitted by Laura Cielenski
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