Sunday, February 20, 2011



Editing a monthly newsletter can some­times be a time-consuming chore, but CTCC members have greatly relieved the burden by submitting articles, stories, photos and write-ups ot Club events. So, to each of you who have contributed to BIRD-NEWS in the past year, I extend my sincere thanks and appreciation.

Again, we are most grateful to Bob Hoge, who has again underwritten the cost of the paper and color printing of our newsletter. With only a couple of exceptions - when the VCB color-printing machine broke down - we have been able to enjoy color layouts and photos during 2010. Thanks to our man Tom, at the Valley Community Bank, the VCB half-page ads have revived many of the unforgettable Burma-Shave roadside signs that once clotted our roads and highways! (We are happy to report that Tom is in full recovery mode following a nasty spill on the ice some weeks ago. The toll for his trip to the mailbox was a broken leg - in three places!

In addition to providing the most generous contribution noted in the foregoing. Bob has also contracted accordionist, Elmer Lange, to provide musical entertainment at our recent Holiday/Christmas Parties.

- Editor

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