Suafen und
Spiel Parade - 2017
Once again we
had fantastic weather for the Johnsburg Suafen und Spiel Parade on Sunday,
September 10th.
By the way, the name "Saufen und Spiel" means "drink
and play". People gathered at the home of Len & Mary Keil to enjoy a
light breakfast of bagels, donuts, sweet roll and the legendary Joan Schellin
almond cake.
We had a variety of vehicles this year. Some of the participants had
help removing their Thunderbird car tops before heading out to the Parade. The
cars lined up and were led by a police car (with lights and siren) out of the
exit of the Keils' subdivision and all the way to the designated line-up spot.
While the cars were waiting for the Parade to start, the Parade watchers were
getting bloody Marys and finding a suitable spot to view everything.
Some of us discovered the band inside the meeting hall and enjoyed
a few quick dances before heading back to the Keils' for a delicious buffet
lunch featuring brats and hot dogs grilled by Larry Keil. Once the Bears' game
was over, people watched news of hurricane Irma in Florida and were thinking of our many
members who have homes there. Finally, tops were replaced and we all headed
home. An enormous thank you to Len & Mary for coordinating and hosting this
event for the sixth year!
Taking part in this year's festivities were: Dan &
Karen Anderson, Bill & Jane Balogh, Pete & Lisa Ekstrom, Art Hahl, Len
& Mary Keil, Larry & Karen Kelly, Ed Levin & Rose Kovalenko, Pete &
Marylu Kramer, Dean & Beth Molburg, Dan Mrozek, Jerry & Pat Peterson, Lloyd
& Joan Schellin, Ken & Kathy Smizinski, Len Vinyard, Liz Werth, and Jim